Talmud: The ‘Bible’ of Genocidal Bigots. Conflicting Zionist Lies Expose “Tob Shebbe Goyyim Harog”, and Warning: The Deadliest CAMERA on the Internet

Talmud: The ‘Bible’ of Genocidal Bigots. Conflicting Zionist Lies Expose “Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog”, and Warning: The Deadliest CAMERA on the Internet


by Ed Ward, MD

It was around the age of 16 that I first heard the words (spelled as it sounded at the time) ‘Rabbi Ben Yo-hay said, Tobe she-be goyim harrog.’ (hard rolling r, like the r sound in ‘garrote’), from my best friend’s younger brother. He was studying for his Bar Mitzvah at the time.  We’d occasionally talk about some of the ignorance of each of our religions, so Rabbi and goy were known to me.  I knew it was an inside zinger for me and suspected he was also showing off his knowledge for his older brother, after being asked how his studying was going.

My friend’s facial expression changed immediately, followed quickly by the younger brothers change from a grin to straight faced.  The expression of my friend resembled one of minor shock, followed quickly by a small chuckle and the paraphrased response of ‘Nope, he’s alright.’ The phrase stuck in my head.

It wasn’t until over four decades later that I heard the phrase again, and learned the true meaning of the quote.

Enter: “R. Shimon ben Yochai taught: Kill [even] the good among the gentiles“; “Tob shebbe (shebe) goyim (goyyim) harog” and the lies of those that continue to hide its meaning.  It’s the only good thing about lies.  Over time, ‘lies almost always eat their young’, and its especially true when there is more than one liar lying about the same thing.

The lies range from: that’s not in the talmud, it’s contradicted by another rabbi, it’s a wartime quote, it’s only after everyone Yochai knew was killed – extreme grief caused it, it’s not really ‘literal’, it’s good and bad, it’s in another place in the talmud, no one in zionism even looks at that phrase, it’s out of context, it’s hardly ever quoted (gee, I wonder why bigoted, genocidal zionists wouldn’t want the fact they are murderous bigots quoted – death sentence for any gentile, also known as heathen or animal, to even read it, as will be clearly shown), and probably many more since zionist murderous bigots will try to pass off any scam BS to hide the truth.  But, there is enough here to show the qoute means exactly what it says.

“The Text
Talmud Sofrim 15:10” (note: the hebrew quote will not copy – there are some hebrew quotes that do copy for the quote ‘Tob shebbe goyim harog’, but they do not go Sanhedrin 59a)”

R. Shimon ben Yochai taught: Kill [even] the good among the gentiles.

While this passage seems to advocate the genocide of all non-Jews, it must be remembered that this is a single passage extracted from a thorough study.” http://littlegreenfootballs.com/page/171962_Tob_Shebbe_Goyim_Harog_–_Wha

The little green balls’ link takes one to the ‘vicious babushka’ here:

“R. Shimon ben Yochai taught: Kill [even] the good among the gentiles in wartime.

While this passage seems to advocate the genocide of all non-Jews, it must be remembered that this is a single passage extracted from a thorough study. Without seeing it in its original context, a simple reading is both incorrect and unsound scholarship. Let us look at the full original passage as recorded in a number of places.”  Author’s note: Putting it in original context in this qoute from Vicious babushka – or as I call him scamming, lying, bigot, genocidal babushka – means quoting everything but the passage it is in.  The passage for ‘original context’ is Sanhedrin 59a and has nothing to do with war, or any other BS.  It is a quote about non-Jews simply reading the ‘bible of bigotry and genocide’. http://www.viciousbabushka.com/2009/06/tob-shebbe-goyim-harog-what-it-really-means.html

The ‘vicious bambushka’ site takes one to:

The Text

“Talmud Sofrim 15:10” (The hebrew translation is supposed to be in the space between 15:10 and R. Shimon, but it will not copy here or to be put in translation software). “

R. Shimon ben Yochai taught: Kill [even] the good among the gentiles.

While this passage seems to advocate the genocide of all non-Jews, it must be remembered that this is a single passage extracted from a thorough study. Without seeing it in its original context, a simple reading is both incorrect and unsound scholarship. Let us look at the full original passage as recorded in a number of places.

The original teaching is as part of a study of the book of Exodus. At this point, the Jews have left Egypt but have not yet crossed the Sea of Reeds. The Egyptian people, after suffering through ten long and difficult plagues, have decided to pursue the Jewish people rather than let them go.

A Jew who killed a righteous gentile is not executed in a court of law as it says (Exodus 21:14) “If a man shall act intentionally against his fellow…” [and a gentile is not considered a fellow] and even more so that he is not executed for killing an unrighteous gentile.

What our teacher Maimonides meant when he wrote that he is not executed in a court of law is that he is nevertheless punished by Heaven.” Author’s note: A gentile’s (Talmud synonyms: heathen, animal, goy, goyim, goyyim) killing by a fellow (Talmud synonyms: male Jew, man, men – not woman, who has more rights than gentiles, but significantly less rights than a man), while officially condoned in the ‘Tob shebbe goyyim harog’ may not be condoned else where, it is a ‘crimeless’ act in the Israeli zionist courts and left to G-d (I find this spelling quite humorous and reminds me of the ‘z word’ – zionism – on the zionist propaganda opednews site of Robert Kall)  to punish.

“The above passage in Maimonides shows that there is a discrepancy between the treatment of a murderer of a Jew and a gentile. The Bible says that a murderer is only executed if he kills his “fellow” and by being parts of very different communities a gentile is not the “fellow” of a Jew. Is this murder forbidden? Absolutely. However, biblical fiat declares that this murder is not a capital punishment. However, rather than allowing this murderer to receive a minor punishment, his punishment is left to Divine providence. G-d will punish this sin appropriately because it is out of the court’s hands.


While it is understandable that Jewish literature has been relatively quiet about something as obvious as the prohibition against killing gentiles, the following sources are just some of those who say it explicitly:..” Author’s note: More quotes that have absolutely nothing to do with the original quote in Sanhedrin 59a. http://www.angelfire.com/mt/talmud/kill.html

Another quoting of this source is here:

“White Supremacist and Holocaust denier James Von Brunn, who shot and killed a security guard in an attack on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, titled his anti-Semitic manifesto “Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog – Kill the Best Gentiles.” He claimed the quote comes from Talmud Sanhedrin, 59B.” (Author’s note: The source of the quote is Sanhedrin 59a regardless of Brunn’s supposed quote.)

“Von Brunn’s citation is a few pages off (the correct text is on 57A), and he pulls the idea out of context and distorts it. Rabbi Gil Student, writing in “

The Real Truth About the Talmud,” put to rest a long time ago the canard that the Talmud enjoins Jews to kill Gentiles.”  (Author’s note: Does this ‘scholar’ and Talmud ‘expert’ not even know the source of his own ‘bible’?  The source again is Sanhedrin 59a and has nothing to do with ‘exodus’ or any other scam ‘quoting’ of ludicrous ‘original context’ of the quote.)

“The quote is pulled from a midrash about the Exodus, in which the only Egyptians said to have survived the plagues and thus able to give chase to the Jews in their final escape from Pharoah were those who were God fearing. Yet even those Egyptians proved themselves to be a threat to the Jews, and so, Rabbi Shimon Ben Yochai concludes in the Mechilta Midrash, quoted on Talmud Sanhedrin 57A, in a time of war when Jewish lives are threatened, “Kill even the best of the Gentiles.” (Author’s note:  And again, with the lie of 57a. There is no quote from Yochai in 57a.  Two exact ‘typos’ for a source of the quote seems very unlikely. Direct misdirection is the most likely scenario.)

“For a full explanation and citations, as well as rabbinic treatment of this issue, see http://www.angelfire.com/mt/talmud/kill.html.”

Tob shebbe goyim harog is also noted by the ‘defenders of the Talmud’, highly recommended for a list of bigotry and genocidal quotes.  Ignore the scam misdirection ‘responses’ which as clearly shown for the ‘Tob quote’ are complete BS.

“CLAIM (63)(1) Genocide Advocated by Talmud Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog (“Even the best of the Gentiles should all be killed”).

RESPONSE (1) Simeon ben Yohai said this under the most extreme circumstances – after his friends and teachers had been persecuted, tortured and eventually murdered by the Romans in the Bar Kochbar revolt (135 CE).”  Author’s note: Clearly condoned in Sanhedrin 59a for simply seeing the real bigotry and genocide in the Talmud.
“David S. Maddison (maddison@connexus.net.au)

Again, the Talmud quotes this saying (in some versions). But it does not endorse it. buehler@nospa.m.space.mit.edu (Royce Buehler)
<5iroi7$1cv@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>”  Author’s note: Again endorsed in 59a and noted previously as not a punishable crime in a zionist Israeli court.

“RESPONSE (2) Soferim, like Kalla, is a ‘minor tractate’, which is not studied in talmudic academies, and only very sparse commentaries are available.”  Author’s note: Complete BS as noted in my personal experience, but also noted in current Rabbi quotes espousing the bigoted, genocidal, superiority of ‘men’ – a man, or men is ONLY a Jewish male – over gentiles, heathens, animals, etc synonyms, as will be shown shortly. http://www.frum.org/talmud/

Finally, Enter: Sanhedrin 59A.  Or as close as a novice to the Hebrew language can get.  Seems the Talmud in the Hebrew is extremely difficult to find.  And  even if one could find it. It would not be entirely translatable since none of the ‘translation’ software acknowledges the words, tob, shebbe or harog in yiddish, hebrew or english.  Quite a coincidence – known words in the Talmud DO NOT EXIST ON TRANSLATION SOFTWARE.  So, as close as I can get to the original is this noting of the Talmud which seems to be a mix of Talmud with added ‘interpretation’ for us ‘animals’.  Here we go….

“Talmud – Mas. Sanhedrin 59a

But the precept of observing social laws is a positive one, yet it is reckoned? — It is both positive and negative.1

R. Johanan” (Author’s note: Who the hell is Johanan?  A yiddish bastardization of Yohai? R. Yohai is clearly the originator of the quote.  Again, does this ‘scholarly expert of the Talmud’ not even know the Rabbi Yohai, or Yochai? This guy has more names than a career ‘paper hanger’.  Most likely scenario is it’s another misdirection for an animal to connect Johanan and not Yohai with the quote.) “of  said: A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death, for it is written, Moses commanded us a law for an inheritance;2 it is our inheritance, not theirs.3 Then why is this not included in the Noachian laws? — On the reading morasha [an inheritance] he steals it; on the reading me’orasah [betrothed], he is guilty as one who violates a betrothed maiden, who is stoned.4

An objection is raised: R. Meir used to say. Whence do we know that even a heathen who studies the Torah is as a High Priest? From the verse, [Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments:] which, if man do, he shall live in them.5 Priests, Levites, and Israelites are not mentioned, but men: hence thou mayest learn that even a heathen who studies6 the Torah is as a High Priest! — That refers to their own seven laws.7″ Author’s note: This has been used to ‘excuse denial’ for the bigotry and murder of gentiles, heathens, and animals for simply reading the Talmud.  Supposedly, allowing it as good and bad.  Good being gentiles that adopt the bigoted, murderous laws of the Talmud.  Of which one of the laws is keeping ‘Tob shebbe goyim harog’ a secret.  http://halakhah.com/pdf/nezikin/Sanhedrin.pdf

“(3) This seems a very strong expression. In the J. E. (loc. cit.) it is suggested that R. Johanan feared the knowledge of Gentiles in matters of Jurisprudence, as they would use it against the Jews in their opponents’ courts. In support of this it may be observed that the Talmud places R. Johanan’s dictum (which, of course, is not to be taken literally) immediately after the passage dealing with the setting up of law courts by Gentiles. It is also possible that R. Johanan’s objection was to the studying of Oral Law by Jewish Christians, as the possession of the Oral Law was held to be the distinguishing mark of the Jews. It is significant that it was R. Johanan who also said that God’s covenant with Israel was only for the sake of the Oral Law. (Cf. Ex. Rab. 47.)”  Author’s note: Here we see the quote is literal.  The quote is in the section for setting up the zionist court system.  All the quotes in this section are 100% literal as they are ‘the law’ of the courts.  Although, as  shown it must be an ‘unwritten’ law, ONLY oral and NOT to be written. http://halakhah.com/pdf/nezikin/Sanhedrin.pdf

No Jews follow the Talmud’s bigotry and genocide?  Really, try this zionist bigot scumbag passed off as just a preacher, with of course the obligatory misdirection at the end.  Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.  http://www.jewishjournal.com/israel/article/sephardi_leader_yosef_non-jews_exist_to_serve_jews_20101018

Talmud Genocide, Racism and Bigotry 2010 - Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.  http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-jews-exist-to-serve-jews#ixzz2eP8VNGVR
Talmud Genocide, Racism and Bigotry 2010 – Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

Ooops, I mean, Chief Rabbi, foremost halakhic authority, and high ranking Israel government official Ovadia Yosef. “

Ovadia Yosef, born Abdullah Youssef… … is the former Sephardi Chief rabbi of Israel, a recognised Talmudic scholar and foremost halakhic authority.

He currently serves as the spiritual leader of the Shas political party in the Israeli parliament. His halakhic responsa are highly regarded within Orthodox circles and are considered binding in many Mizrahi communities, among whom he is regarded as the most important living halakhic authority.”  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia_Yosef  There’s a lot more on him and several other rabbis available by google for anyone interested.  The Nature of Islam http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/jewish-supremacist-rabbi-david-bar-hayim-talks-about-the-nat.html

“The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) is an American nonprofit pro-Israel “media-monitoring, research and membership organization devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East.” The group says it was founded in 1982 “to respond to the Washington Post’s coverage of Israel’s Lebanon incursion”, and to respond to what it considers the media’s “general anti-Israel bias”.

CAMERA is known for its pro-Israel media monitoring and advocacy. CAMERA releases reports to counter what it calls “frequently inaccurate and skewed characterizations of Israel and of events in the Middle East” that it believes may fuel anti-Israel and anti-Jewish prejudice. The group mobilizes protests against what it describes as unfair media coverage by issuing full-page ads in newspapers, organizing demonstrations, and encouraging sponsors to withhold funds. CAMERA has over 65,000 paying members and states that 46 news outlets have issued corrections based on their work.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_for_Accuracy_in_Middle_East_Reporting_in_America

Significant Talmud information.

The Truth About the Talmud http://www.revisionisthistory.org/talmudtruth.html

Have You Read the Talmud Lately?  http://truthtellers.org/alerts/readtalmudlately.html

Zionism: Worst Plague in the History of Mankind https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/zionism-the-worst-plague-in-the-history-of-mankind/

Significant Related CAMERA information.

Pro-Israel Groups Plan to Rewrite History – Wikipedia.  Coincidently, this article was the main information for wikipedia’s CAMERA info.  It doesn’t seem to be around anymore.  http://electronicintifada.net/content/ei-exclusive-pro-israel-groups-plan-rewrite-history-wikipedia/7472

CAMERA’S Broken Lens Revisted.  http://electronicintifada.net/content/cameras-broken-lens-revisited/8336

A brief Op Ed:  Just to make sure we are all on the same page.    As stated in comments of Zionism Worst Plague:  Zionism is the MAJOR portion of all the major ‘heathen’ vs ‘chosen’ ‘mass religions’ via scumbag religious leadership. Killing for God, or G-d, is nothing but murderous bigot BS. Anyone with more rights than anyone else is nothing but scam bigot BS. The major Zionist mass religions are the backbone of Zionist governments world wide.

Are ‘Gods’ necessary for an afterlife?  The ‘God’ of  ‘energy physics’ says absolutely not.  The First ‘God’ (Law) of Thermodynamics says, ‘Energy CAN NOT be created nor destroyed, merely transformed.’

In many Zionist nations, this article will get you arrested.  In those nations, there is no need to write anything contrary or against any portion of the Jewish religion.  Unless, you have decided on martyrdom, please do not attack the Talmud, but rather ‘defend’ the Talmud by simply posting the contradictory ‘defenses of the Talmud’ and the further contradictory ‘Sanhedrin 59A’.  Let the scammers do your work for you.  You are not ‘attacking’, you are defending the Talmud.  Any reasonable person will be able to see the Zionism presented.  The important part is shining a light on it so it can be seen.

Ed Ward, MD – https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/EdWardMD3 ; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/messages

Holy Horus: The Jesus Origin Exposed; The Real Truth About Religion and Its Origins, and Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum  https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/the-real-truth-about-religion-and-its-origins/

Update: Witnesses Saw People ‘Vaporized’ on 9 11 https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/update-witnesses-saw-people-vaporized-on-9-11/

Dimona Does Damascus: Israeli Nukes in Damascus, Syria https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/05/06/dimona-does-damascus-israeli-nukes-in-damascus-syria/

More US Drill Death in Waco Explosion – Drill Stops for Reality, Again https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/04/28/more-us-drill-death-in-waco-drill-stops-for-reality-again/

Boston Marathon: The Finish Line For US Treason. Drill Death. Everything’s In Place For Police State. by Ed Ward, MD https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/boston-marathon-the-finish-line-for-us-treason-drill-death-everything-is-in-place-for-police-state-by-ed-ward-md/

Pictures: US Boston Weapon – Both ‘Explosions’ – The Secret of the Pure Fusion Weapon – Li7 – Lithium 7 https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/04/19/photograph-of-boston-fireball-2nd-explosion/

The US Wouldn’t Nuke Its Own People – Wake Up and Glow  https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/the-us-wouldnt-nuke-its-own-people-wake-up-and-glow/

9 11 Fake Video Stars: The J Star Clones – Why Covert Operation’s Cointel Must Have ‘Fake’ Video and ‘No Planes’ https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/05/05/9-11-fake-video-stars-the-j-star-clones-why-covert-operations-cointel-must-have-fake-video-and-no-planes/

Proven 9-11 Nukes https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2010/09/06/proven-9-11-nukes-us-government-involvement/

Dr. Ed Ward MD, AS, BS, MD – Reporting and investigating Constitutional abuses of the US government for almost 2 decades. AS, BS in Medical Technology – Minor in Organic Chemistry and Physics, volunteer during the Viet Nam war 6 years stateside active duty ‘med tech’ ‘US Air Farce’ – a decade experience in Medical Technology. MD degree from LSU, New Orleans – 2 decades in the field of General Practice. (My) Articles are also referenced by valid experts in their field. Dr Ed

Author: Ed Ward MD

Ed Ward, MD - Reporting and investigating Constitutional abuses of this government for over a decade. AS, BS in Medical Technology - Minor in Organic Chemistry and Physics, volunteer during the Viet Nam war 6 years active duty 'Air Farce' - a decade experience in Medical Technology. MD degree from LSU, New Orleans - 2 decades in the field of General Practice.. Articles also referenced by experts in their field. Friend me at https://www.facebook.com/EdWardMD3 #DanceMonkeysDance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLNA7MRdjlw

16 thoughts on “Talmud: The ‘Bible’ of Genocidal Bigots. Conflicting Zionist Lies Expose “Tob Shebbe Goyyim Harog”, and Warning: The Deadliest CAMERA on the Internet”

  1. Received many anti-Jew comments. There will never be a comment here regarding bigotry of any group as a whole based upon some members of a group. Jews are no different than Muslims, Christians, etc. There are factions and leadership in all ‘chosen’ vs ‘heathen’ religions that chose bigotry and hatred over other ‘options’ of their religion. Just as there are some in all religions that choose to not follow the option of bigotry and genocide.

    The Talmud is singled out here as the extreme promotion and continued active bigotry and genocide that was being hidden by lies, scam and BS.The Torah on the other hand is more moderate, similar to Christianity’s old vs new testament. BUT ALL THE MASS RELIGIONS THAT PROMOTE ‘SUPERIORITY’ OF THEMSELVES OVER HEATHENS OR ANYONE ELSE ARE BASED ON BIGOTRY AND HATRED. These ‘superiority’ religions are the backbone and base of murderous governments – F!CK THEM and ALL their ‘Gods’. There will never be a promotion of any of those religions here.

    Mevashir: Your comments (More ‘Exodus’ and similar ‘out of context to Sanhedrin 59a’) BS have already been dealt with. You have some kind of site, suggest you try posting your crap there. F!ck off. I went way beyond my ‘disgust nausea level’ by having to note and quote this Zionist bigot BS once, in order to show it for what it is.

    Update on ‘Megash!t’, just got a predominately personal attack via email. Although it did note I’m attacking the entire jewish religion. My response:

    Got no use for any one promoting the Talmud. Even Torah jews are appalled by it. But, of course, only because they hate themselves according to Talmud murderous bigot f!cks – and of course has nothing to do with zionist murderous bigotry of the Talmud. No, Torah jews don’t hate the obvious bigotry and genocide of the Talmud, they hate themselves. Note, not a single word against the Torah, other than a general condemnation of any and ALL POS religions promoting their holy chosen selves ABOVE anyone else.

    Now, you can F!ck off from here (my email) too. Ba-bye.

    Update II from Megash!t: Semi-Veiled threat of a painful murder from bigot, murderous Talmud rabbi?

    “You’re very very sick. Euthanasia might be your best move.”

    My response: F!ck you SCUMBAG and all the bigot, murderous scripture it (you) rode in on.

    Ed Ward, MD

    1. I am a muslim, i have a project based work to present the differnce between Torah, Talmud and the Z-Talmud. I had a bad perception abput jews but as i researched (not much) and came to a point where i have a changed and positive perception about jews and judasim. I would like to ask you to help me out with some more contradictions between Torah and Z-talmud (talmud altered by zionists). I would be glad i you could help me

      1. Nassir,
        I’d suggest the 2 references for Pike and Hoffman. Significant Talmud information.

        The Truth About the Talmud http://www.revisionisthistory.org/talmudtruth.html

        Have You Read the Talmud Lately? http://truthtellers.org/alerts/readtalmudlately.html

        But, I’d suggest:

        Zionism – The Worst Plague In The History Of Mankind https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/zionism-the-worst-plague-in-the-history-of-mankind/

        Holy Horus: The Jesus Origin Exposed; The Real Truth About Religion and Its Origins, and Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum https://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/the-real-truth-about-religion-and-its-origins/

        As much more appropriate to see the Zionism of All the ‘Sun God’ Mass Religions. Dr Ed

  2. I agree with you, no promotion. There isn’t 100% agreement on the existence of a GOD. Let’s stop trying to promote a religion that tries to convince us that it KNOWS what GOD thinks.
    IMHO, any ‘book’ that promotes separation isn’t ‘holy’. We all live on the same planet orbiting the sun, when did we become separate? Why not start looking for ideas that we can agree on?
    Love is a good place to start. Add truth.
    These are ideas that I can promote.

    1. There are ‘thousands of ‘Gods’ I don’t believe in – sun, moon, water, fertility, hell pick something there’s a God for it somewhere. ALL ‘God’s’ have been ‘created’ to control people and feed off them like parasites. Thanks for the comment. Dr Ed

    1. This is one of the Christian sites I noted that seems to be noting the Zionism of the Christian bible. While I have no interest in what someone else has to tell me about God, there are some that must have it. If that is the case, indeed it’s not a bad site. Goodnewsaboutgod has posted several of my articles.

      Thanks for the comment. Best, Dr Ed.

      1. Dear Dr. Ward:

        Thank you for your apology. But why do you edit my comments when they are factual?

        Dr. Day

        Response: I have ‘edited’ none of your comments, except this one to include my response. I DID NOT POST your comment that started with personal attack innuendo. I’ve posted both your sites and allowed a comment promoting your site, because you have posted one or two articles of mine. Otherwise, I do not allow promotion of ‘God’ sites. On occasion I make note of God sites that note the Zionism in religion, but personally I have no use for ‘Gods’, or the ‘parasite people’ that make money and fortunes off them. Gods are not needed for love of our brothers and sisters, in fact the main promotion of ‘gods’ has done nothing but cause hatred, bigotry and murder of anyone not conforming to the particular god dogma. After all this BS, I’M SORRY I posted the damn thing to begin with. It will not happen again. You will have the same amount of comment as anyone has on your site. NONE. As a matter of fact, I’M ALMOST READY TO WIPE THE ENTIRE GROUP – ALL THE COMMENTS DEALING WITH YOUR SITE AFTER THIS BS.

        Ed Ward, MD

  3. Nazis on the move. Massive government intrusions passed off as less than 100% privacy, when in reality it’s 0% privacy. Obama on NSA surveillance: Can’t have 100% security and 100% privacy. http://rt.com/usa/obama-surveillance-nsa-monitoring-385/

    Here’s the reality of scumbag nazis that need impeachment, indictment and accountability for this and so much more. Classified docs reveal NSA’s vast real-time warrantless Web surveillance. http://rt.com/usa/nsa-prism-classified-data-collection-348/

    NSA telephone, Internet spying data shared with British Intelligence. http://rt.com/news/nsa-communications-british-intelligence-378/

    World’s fastest comp: China unveils new top-ranking supercomputer. http://rt.com/news/china-fastest-supercomputer-milkyway2-379/

    Wild West Bank: Might makes right in Israel-Palestine settlement standoff. “Mounting violence in the occupied territories between Israeli settlers and locals has forced the UN to consider compensating Palestinians who are driven off their land. Current Israeli law protects settlers, while depriving natives of their rights.” Fascist F!cks stealing land for years, scumbag nazis of UN finally think… Maybe a person should be compensated for their land. Praise the holy chosen nazi f!cks of all involved. http://rt.com/news/law-israeli-settlers-palestinians-358/

    Iowa City moves to ban drones, traffic cameras and license plate readers

    California’s San Onofre nuclear plant to shut down permanently – owner. Apparently things WAY worse than reported – same ole sh!t. http://rt.com/usa/san-onofre-plant-retire-371/

    Widespread rape by staff indicates ‘fundamental failure’ of juvenile detention. Hidden to keep the prison profits rolling in for fascist scumbags that need accountability. http://rt.com/usa/rape-fundamental-failure-juvenile-detention-349/

    F!ck the ‘cost’, apologist RT doesn’t want to mention the fascism. It would hit to close to home. TSA ‘cannot justify’ cost, objectivity of screening. http://rt.com/usa/tsa-cannot-justify-cost-objectivity-290/

    Senators: NSA phone sweeping has been going on since 2007

    Detroit cops stage purse snatching for TV and almost get shot by FBI. This is a bizarre incident on several levels. Multiple conflicts throughout. Certainly seems there is more information needed to find out exactly what was going on. None of which would have been known had the fbi guy not been going for the purse, I mean ‘cop thief’?

    Seems the fascist Detroit cops just can’t get enough TV. Detroit cop stands trial in shooting death of 7-year-old girl. http://www.workers.org/2013/06/05/detroit-cop-stands-trial-in-shooting-death-of-7-year-old-girl/

  4. Interesting, just got an email for ‘robert singer’ of the z word zionist covert ops of op ed news and kall. Seems he wants to discus tritium via other articles. Response: If woodhead ever finds a dew weapon to discuss, I’d discuss it. Not interested in discussing a pile of ludicrous BS, when nukes are proven.


    Update: Some ole scam BS. Singer only wants to address his complete BS, WITOUT ADDRESSING THE PROVEN FACTS OF PROVEN 9 11 NUKES. He declined. What a surprise.

    Ed Ward, MD

    6 Minutes to Cairo. To see the full extent of the Black Ops, False Flag Operation ‘Liberty’, USS Liberty Attacked by Israel http://lionsofliberty.com/2013/03/13/that-time-when-the-u-s-almost-nuked-cairo/

  5. Dear Dr. Ward:

    Someone forwarded to me your comment to Andrea Messina that you think I am copyrighting your articles. That’s absurd. My websites are copyrighted, but certainly I can’t copyright the articles of someone else, nor do I have any desire to.

    On my website, I link to many articles by a number of different authors, just as you do, but I don’t claim any copyright on any articles other than those I have personally written.

    Dr. Lorraine Day

    1. Dr. Day,

      Thanks for the comment, your efforts and correction.

      My Best to You and Yours,


      Indeed Dr. Day is correct, and I was incorrect. I confused another religious site noting Christian Zionism with her site. There is no copyright on her site on my articles or anyone elses. The site with the copyright BS is abundant hope, and not her sites. Apologies. (F!ck, I hate f!cking up. When I do, I always try to correct. This was one of my rare f!ck ups. Enjoy.)



  6. NSA whistleblower: ‘Mass surveillance makes intelligence community less efficient’ – No sh!t Sherlock. It has nothing to do with ‘terrorism’, 99% of which are government ‘drills’ and ‘stings’ allowed to progress to fruition.

    ‘Missile defense killer’: Russia finalizes testing on prototype ICBM

    ‘How little rights you have:’ Anonymous leaks more PRISM-related NSA docs

    White House invokes ‘state privilege’ to halt inquiries into data mining. Fascist scum that need trials for treason and crimes against humanity from fed to local.

    ‘US desperately trying to hide the truth about breaking its own Constitution’ http://rt.com/op-edge/us-unconstitutional-spying-citizens-346/

    Nazi murderous f!cks R US. Anger at US drone war continues in Yemen http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2013/06/201365122319329623.html

    It’s the only thing nazi scumbags know. They exist because we feed them. Boycotts and work strikes are the only way to stop these fascist scum. Turkey protests continue as tourism woes grow http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2013/06/201368121910137157.html

    US drone strike draws angry Pakistan protest http://www.aljazeera.com/news/asia/2013/06/201368122230628165.html

    Government fascist accessories didn’t know. ROFL. Facebook and Google insist they did not know of Prism surveillance program http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/07/google-facebook-prism-surveillance-program

    US declassifies phone program details after uproar. ROFL, fascist nazi lying scumbags wouldn’t lie again. WAKE UP AND WORK STRIKE. http://www.newsdaily.com/article/0bb43a39f0da4699eecafa9e0ff12754/us-declassifies-phone-program-details-after-uproar

    Obama: ‘Nobody is listening to your telephone calls’. ROFL, fascist nazi lying murderous scumbags wouldn’t lie again. WAKE UP AND WORK STRIKE. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/06/07/18824941-obama-nobody-is-listening-to-your-telephone-calls?lite

    Nazis on the move – NY Senate Makes It a Felony to ‘Annoy’ Police Officers. Wake Up and Work Strike. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/06/07/1214483/-NY-Senate-Makes-It-A-Felony-To-Annoy-a-Police-Officer

    Mass Surveillance in America: A Timeline of Loosening Laws and Practices http://projects.propublica.org/graphics/surveillance-timeline

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