Boston Marathon: The Finish Line For US Treason. Drill Death. Everything Is In Place For Police State. by Ed Ward, MD

Boston Marathon: The Finish Line For US Treason.  Drill Death.  Everything’s In Place For Police State. by Ed Ward, MD


Super Man Looking for a Phone Booth, Or Scum Bag Looking for His Fake Blood?

12-18-13, Update on injuries supposedly sustained by ‘driller’.  Ludicrous Hoax. Superman’s ID Exposed in Driller “James Costello, 31, of Malden, Mass., has proposed to Krista D’Agostino, a nurse he met during his recovery (ICU) after suffering serious burns on his arms and legs in the explosion near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on April 15. “Everyone injured was a friend of this guy”?  Strange, they somehow missed the 2 nails embedded in his abdomen.  “After multiple surgeries, including one to remove two nails from his abdomen,”  Arm seriously burned, shirt not even burned.  Legs burned, pants unburned legs without a sign of damage, yet pants ‘vaporized’ – “shredded” (not ‘burned’, what ‘shreds’ pants but does nothing to skin?) in front.  And of course, burn victims always leave as much on as possible to continuously rub against the ‘severe burn’ because it feels so good.  Not one, but 2 nails embedded in the abdomen from a ‘powerful terrorist bomb’,  NOT A SINGLE DROP OF BLOOD ANYWHERE.  Amazing how one propaganda article missed 2 ‘nails’ surgery and their existence.  Even propaganda can expose the truth, one just has to look for it.  Lies almost always eat their young when given time, especially when there is more than one liar telling the same scam.

More death in government drills.  If one could stomach listening to accessories after the fact, and more than likely before, to crimes against humanity and treason.  One heard about the great job they are doing.  One might have seen a few military fatigues around, but no one heard anything about any government ‘drills’.

First entrance of Al the Boston marathon runner appears in which is a fairly revealing article.  However, the comments section shows multiple readers commenting that parts of the article were deleted.   Likely, never to be seen again.

Second Entrance of Al is rejuvinated with the offensive quotes intact as well as a video showing multiple quotes of ‘planned drills’ and government drill – excellent fact finding –


Note:  Also look at the skin tone and proportions of each leg – one leg is real, the other prosthetic.

Update 8-20-2013 – Boston Bombing Clean-Up Crew

Now, the FBI wants help gathering any cellphone evidence in private citizens hands. Assuredly, to meet the fate of other drills  (Complete 911 Timeline – Training Exercises on 911 – Spoiler: 46 Training Exercises – some of the exercises mimiced exactly what was occurring at the time.  Plus one Planned FEMA convention that didn’t make the list.) ) video disappearance (A myth hit piece that somehow proves the seizures false by listing them under the innocuous names labeled and ‘described’ by the FBI.  So even though the article proves they have been seized, exist, and have been ‘classified’ from public inspection,  remember that it really proves they weren’t seized or don’t exist – Amazing)

The US Wouldn’t Nuke Its Own People?  Wake Up & Glow  Where there is unclassified government documentation  of many doing it while being praised and paid.   Here’s a couple of the many off a muderous, treasonous, fascist government list.

“””Radiation bombs” thrown from USAF planes intentionally spread radiation “unknown distances” endangering the young and old alike. One such experiment doused Utah with 60 times more radiation than escaped the Three Mile Island accident, according to Sen. John Glen, D-Ohio who released a report on the program 20 years ago.

With the National Cancer Institute’s 1997 finding that all 160,000 million US citizens (in the country at the time of the bomb tests) were contaminated with fallout, it’s clear we did face war with atomic weapons — our own.”

At this point it should be extremely clear about what kind of government US has and its plans for anyone that is ‘unhappy about complying with it’.  The state militia in cities and states has just been ‘justified’ and legitimized.

Starting to get an idea why this fascist, proven murderous government needs Billions of Bullets? Hollow Points 4 US

The ridiculous idea that freedom can be attained from the most advanced military system ever by firearms is ludicrous.  The “BowTie” (hanging) judge said it best: “What could he do to you if you yourselves did not connive with the thief who plunders you, if you were not accomplices of the murderer who kills you, if you were not traitors to yourselves?” -Étienne de la Boétie, Judge during the French Renaissance

The only thing that has ever worked against homeland government fascism is the work strike and boycotts.  Bottom line this government exists, nay, thrives because we let it.  We Assist It.  The herd would rather let others be tortured and die than shutting this government down for just one day. The herd would rather be encircled by a proven murderous and cannabalistic government than think about shutting this government down for just one day. The herd prefers to stay comfortable in fantasy.  We are the herd and the only thing missing is the ’emergency’ martial law called for city by state as needed per whim.  It’s time for a unified call for work strike for just one day… Feel your power.

Related Article: Conflicts, Coincidences At JFK Library Fire & Bombing.  Very early in the operation the JFK library developed as the primary objective – When conflicts and coincidences happen together, start thinking covert op.  They are the inconvenient byproducts of SOP military operations.  Coincidences are rare, and conflicts of truth even rarer – the lie being extremely more common.  See also:

Photo –

Photo 2 –


(Can’t find original to link, so if someone has it, please send in comments.)

Update on Boston Explosions:

Related: Pictures: US Boston Weapon – Both ‘Explosions’ – The Secret of the Pure Fusion Weapon – Li7 – Lithium 7

Not to mention:

Operation Northwoods –

Where the Joint Chiefs of Staff planned a similar operation to what unfolded with 911.

Nicaragua, The Contras, Reagan, North and a secretary in open treason.

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers

The USS Liberty – Israel Zionists and US Fascists Murder USS Liberty Crew in War Plot – Operation Cyanide and the 303 Committee Vigilant Guardian, Global Guardian,

Dead in the Water

During the Six-Day War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty belonging to its closest ally, the USA. Thirty-four American servicemen were killed in the two-hour assault by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats. Survivors were placed under threat of prison for revealing the atrocity.

Excellent BBC Documentary.

Depleted Uranium and Agent Orange

Voting Fraud – German High Court Outlaws Electronic Voting – Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 9:45 am

See where it started here – Proofs of a Conspiracy against all Nations/Religions – Published in 1793 as the zionist cults were forming here in US.

To see where it started Originally: Holy Horus: The Jesus Origin Exposed; The Real Truth About Religion and Its Origins, and Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum

Proven 9-11 Nukes

1. Three Massive WTC Craters – See us government LIDAR proof: – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES. – Best,

2. Five Acres (1.2 Billion Pounds = Weight of Residue of 3 WTC Buildings (WTC 1, 2, and 6)) of WTC Land Brought to Searing Temperatures in a Few Hours by an ’Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled “Fire” – Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See us gov Thermal Images proof – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES. Best,

3. Tritium Levels 55 Times (normal) Background Levels assessed a numerical value
of ‘traces’ and ‘of no human concern’. See us government (DOE report) proof: – Nothing but a NUCLEAR EVENT can cause ‘tritium’ formation – basic physics fact – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES.

4. An Impossible “Fire” (Combustion Process). See Laws of Physics for Fire/Combustion Process and Dr. Cahill’s data on ‘anaerobic incineration’. – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES.

5. 3 Billion pounds of building instantly turned into 2 Billion pounds of
micronized dust. – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES. Best

6. 16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them and suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES.

7. Hiroshima effect cancers in responders and locals. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES. ,

All of the above are facts are proven with referenced links of reputable data sources – many are from the government itself and more…

Holy Horus: The Jesus Origin Exposed; The Real Truth About Religion and Its Origins, and Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum

Music Stuff :  US Is Moving On Up!


My Sincere Thanks to Jeff Rense.  There have been several other thanks to Jeff over the last several years, who has consistently granted my efforts exposure on his site.  In fact his timely coverage of the events in Boston and our emails over the same were instrumental in its origination.

This article  is burning up the crawlers – hitting # 1 listing for many ‘wordings’.  Boston US Treason, Boston Marathon US Treason, and #3 for Boston Treason.  Many other wordings in my articles are showing up – the facts are starting to be seen.

LOL, A while ago I posted That I OWN – Boston Treason – on goggle google results. So I looked today to see if I still OWNED it… And #4 (out of 1.96 Mil possible results) Comment: Ed Ward-MD OWNS Google Results: Boston … So, thank you to all those that checked to see. 😉 And all those that put it #1 and kept it there for a while now. Whoa, just took the link and it goes to 3 Hard hitting govt fascism articles that fills one in on just about everything involved with the Recent Boston Treason – grin, even kicking old boston treason’s ass. 😉 Best… AND F!CKING A THANKS AGAIN. Update: Now 4 Kick Ass Articles that now include pure fusion weapons. 😉 Just F!cking A AWESOME. That’s got to send some shivers down some murderous, treasonous jelly-fished spined Nazi F!cks. As HAPPY as any warm bird could be… Joy? Way Early Kick Ass – Jump Into the Fire – Time Warp – Love the communion bagel scene. And learn some Spanish… I’ll Remove the Cause… But Not the Symptom
8-29-14 9am – Boston Treason goggle google possible results drop to About 566,000 results – goggle hiding ‘magic’ 😉 Boston Treason my #5 highest rated for “”, “Ed Ward, MD” search has never even heard of ‘Ed Ward MD’s Blog’ and Boston Treason. (10:30am Gotta’ Get Up

Ed Ward, MD – ;  Account Suspended in FB Fraud;

About: Ed Ward, MD’s Blog of Referenced Facts, and Me, Dr Ed Ward, MD Congratulations! If you’ve made it here, you’ve made it through a MASSIVE Maze of government propaganda, censorship, and Psyops. To the Best of my Knowledge and Evaluation, You will only find the referenced, pertinent facts for the ID and Remedy of Our governments fascism, as well as world wide government fascism here…  Continues Dr Ed

Author: Ed Ward MD

Ed Ward, MD - Reporting and investigating Constitutional abuses of this government for over a decade. AS, BS in Medical Technology - Minor in Organic Chemistry and Physics, volunteer during the Viet Nam war 6 years active duty 'Air Farce' - a decade experience in Medical Technology. MD degree from LSU, New Orleans - 2 decades in the field of General Practice.. Articles also referenced by experts in their field. Friend me at #DanceMonkeysDance

37 thoughts on “Boston Marathon: The Finish Line For US Treason. Drill Death. Everything Is In Place For Police State. by Ed Ward, MD”

    1. Correct hp. All of that and alot more is covered in my first article – US Government Usage of Atomic Bombs – in my 911 section of the article. Thanks for the response.



  1. it is very strange that within minutes of the blast Boston police swarmed the area..but there were no police casualties near the almost seems that they were not to be near the site until after the everyone missing something here..?

    1. Antwon, I believe you are correct. But, didn’t find it as significant as out and out drill with explosions being hidden with multiple verifications. Thanks for the thoughtful note. Ed

  2. You know it’s an inside job when the government is running drills then multiple devices explode. Same story as 9/11, OKC, 7/7 etc.

  3. DIRECT QUOTE from
    “The police were apparently aware of that device before the explosion occured.”

    1. The Stormfront quandary. Over the years Stormfront has reposted many of my referenced articles. Indeed, there are many aspects of Stormfront with which I am in agreement. However, there are quite a few in which I am not in agreement, as demonstrated by my referenced facts in my articles. Bottom line – they’ve never censored me and have assisted in the exposure of government murder, treason and crimes against humanity – so their post was approved and noted for its assistance. If Stormfront believes I am mistaken in my views on some of their aspects, they will have exposure here in this reply, if they like. Best, Ed

  4. I hope they took off all the “Property of Mossad” stickers off all the bomb components when they put them together!

    1. While you may be correct – there simply is not enough factual data to make that statement, IMO. Although, unlike 9-11, the facts are being exposed very early after the false flag. So, it is ‘possible’ that information may come to light. Thanks for the thought. Ed

  5. Tell ya what.. likely a timed device. likely amerikun. likely a disturbed vet. meant to harm badly, but also incapable of actual mass event. Think Atlanta Olympics x 10. JFK electrical fire was likely because the EOC underneath was genned up ‘for real’ for the first time since forever. There is recent construction in the area. It is barely even a symbol, usually uninhabited, not near anything, not on video.. meh.

    1. Nice information that WOULD HAVE BEEN MUCH MORE USEFUL had it been referenced. Based on the ‘drill’ conflicts, coincidences and the finished results, the JFK library was the primary target. Most likely scenario is destruction of incriminating documentation. Much like 9-11 where ALL files incriminating government abuse trial evidence was destroyed. Ed

  6. Your current article features confirmed beneficial to me.

    It’s extremely educational and you’re simply clearly really educated in this field. You have opened up my own face in order to varying views on this kind of subject with intriguing and strong content.

  7. if ever a country deserved a police state, its America, but my question is just who is going to inforce a police state over 330-340 million americans, but then americans have tolerated everything under the sun so far, and the real problem is americans have become traitors to each other, no country can survive that

    1. “How can he have so many arms to beat you with, if he does not borrow them from you?

      The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own?

      How does he have any power over you except through you?

      How would he dare assail you if he had no cooperation from you?

      What could he do to you if you yourselves did not connive with the thief who plunders you, if you were not accomplices of the murderer who kills you, if you were not traitors to yourselves?

      You sow your crops in order that he may ravage them, you install and furnish your homes to give him goods to pillage; you rear your daughters that he may gratify his lust; you bring up your children in order that he may confer upon them the greatest privilege he knows—to be led into his battles, to be delivered to butchery, to be made the servants of his greed and the instruments of his vengeance; you yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check.

      From all these indignities, such as the very beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free.

      Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed.

      I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces?”

      -Étienne de la Boétie, Judge during the French Renaissance

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